
This is my blog for my engineering classes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Section 8

Section 8 in Engineering Graphics was about developments and making them into 3D objects. It was fun, but challenging to see how the distances related. I had to draw the objects inside out, so that put another twist on things. Overall, I made it through will reletively good objects. The hardest part was making the tape look good and not all over the place. Some examples are below.

3D representations of the developments above

Friday, April 1, 2011

Unit 6

        This unit was one of my favorites. It was on pictorals, including isometrics, obliques, and perspective views. My favorite drawings were the isometrics because they are 3D representations in a 2D form. Obliques are fun to draw too, but instead of drawing three distorted side views, they show the normal front view, and then the object moves back at a 30 or 60 degree angle. Perspective views show an object that has the appearence of disappearing into the distance. Examples of isometrics and obliques are shown below:

Oblique - Guide Bearing

Isometric - Flipper Dog